This period of my life is when I found Project Noah and started taking photographs. I absolutely loved it! I completed naturalist training at a local reserve and also signed up for a childhood cancer fundraiser that had me hiking every weekend in preparation for a 27 mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail... in 12 hours. I felt great on both the outside and the inside!
Sadly, since this was all volunteer work, money eventually became an issue. I was unsuccessful finding a fulfilling career that accompanied a paycheck so I had to give in to an offer placing me straight back where I left. Ugh! That lasted just over a year before they decided I had to go.
Months later, it finally happened. I got a job that I'd been looking for. I now work at a zoo! Animals, conservation, education, people passionate about the same interests, a paycheck. Perfect! And how am I supposed to resist snapping photo's of the incredible organisms? Well, being the big Star Trek fan that I am, I will simply say, resistance is futile!